Approach to Pain Managment
A pragmatic evidence based patient centred approach to the pain patient is taken to ensure the clinical encounter from a biopsychosocial basis.
This recognises that the patient is appreciated as a person suffering with a compromised ability to function in their surrounding context
A biopyschosocial history is taken and an hypothesis formulated.
The Framework
A working diagnosis based on the above findings is implemented to begin to move the patient into better living.
An assessment of neurology, orthopaedics, biomechanics, pain and functional ability is performed
Further investigations such as x-ray, ultrasound or blood tests are requested if applicable.
the Treatment
This consists of a range of interventions suitable to the diagnosis such as hands on passive manual therapy in whatever form is required (manipulation, mobilisation, soft tissue therapy, stretching in various forms, myofascial trigger point therapy including dry needling). Active intervention is highly encouraged and tailored to the patient’s needs. Rehabilitation in the form of exercises specific to the individual, use of Pilates, Biokinetic and Personal Training services, or any other physical activity that is valuable is prescribed especially in chronic pain cases.
Other interventions offered include mindfulness, sleep hygiene, basic cognitive behavioural therapy, graded exposure, threshold training, pacing of activities. Patient education with an underpinning of pain neuroscience is given to help understand what is wrong and importantly, how to overcome it.
Intervention is made over a number of visits to get the patient to shift from their pain state to one of better function and less pain. Patients who don’t respond accordingly are referred on for further investigation or management with the appropriate specialist.
Our Services
By holistically appraching a patient within the above framework, a patient can be moved into a fuller existence and improved quality of life, at best, free of pain, but sometimes, also, in spite of their pain.